2009 Symposium on Second Language Writing - November 5-7, 2009 - Tempe, AZ
The 2009 Symposium on Second Language Writing will take place at Arizona State University on November 5-7, 2009.

With the theme, "The Future of Second Language Writing," this year's Symposium aims to provide an opportunity to contemplate the future of this young and vibrant field in the presence of well-established, internationally known researchers and teachers as well as relatively young teachers and researchers who bring new energy and enthusiasm to this growing field of inquiry.

The 2009 Symposium will feature distinguished plenary speakers who are internationally recognized experts in second language writing, including Carole Edelsky, Mark James, Ann M. Johns, Mark Warschauer, and Gail Shuck. A series of invited colloquia will address various issues concerning the future of the field. Some of the topics include: the future of second language writing; assessment; EFL writing in schools; genre; defining "generation 1.5"; and the interface between second language acquisition and second language writing. Concurrent sessions will address a wide range of issues in the field of second language writing. There will also be two half-day workshops: one on error feedback led by Dana Ferris and the other on plagiarism led by Christine Tardy. The Symposium will conclude with a message to the new generation, a special session featuring well-respected, seasoned members of the field.

Paul Kei Matsuda
Arizona State University
Department of English
Box 870302
Tempe, AZ 85287-0302 USA


Office: LL 214B
+1.480.965.6356 (Office)
+1.480.965.3168 (Dept.)
+1.480.965.3451 (Fax)
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