English as a Second Language Curriculum Resource Handbook. A Practical Guide for K-12 ESL Programs
Resources and strategies for teachers, administrators, and curriculum specialists working in K-12 English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) programs are presented in this handbook. The book is designed to provide information on the background of ESL programs as well as current information on publications, standards, and special materials. Contents are divided into the following sections: (1) Curriculum development in the subject ("Current Trends in ESL Curriculum," by Else V. Hamayan; "Assessing Student Needs," by Carolyn T. Linse; Funding Curriculum Projects; "Outline of Topics and Skills Covered in Teaching ESL K-12," by Linda New Levine; "State-Level Curriculum Guidelines: An Analysis," by Phillip C. Gonzales; State-Level Curriculum Guidelines: A Listing; and "Testing as an Assessment Tool," by Mark S. Patkowski); (2) Curriculum guides and supplementary materials ("Recommended Curricular Materials," by Lenora Cook; "Ideas for Special Projects," by Dorothea B. Hickey; and "Children's Trade Books: A Guide to Resources," by Violet Harris); and (3) Textbooks, classroom materials, and other resources (Curriculum Material Procedures); Statewide Textbook Educational Materials; and Kraus Curriculum Development Library Customers). Appended is a curriculum guide reprint, "Content Area Instructional Strategies for Students of Limited English Proficiency in Secondary Schools: A Sheltered Approach," from the Hawaii State Department of Education. (LB)

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