What is MinneTESOL?
MinneTESOL is a professional association of teachers of English as a Second Language in Minnesota and neighboring states dedicated to the education and support of stu
dents acquiring English at all levels of public and private education.
MinneTESOL Membership – benefits of membership in MinneTESOL and Membership Form.
MinneTESOL supports educators by:
collecting and disseminating information pertinent to English as a Second Language, English as a Second Dialect, and Bilingual Education
promoting and assisting programs in local communities
fostering the professional development of its members
voicing the socio-political and employment concerns of its members
establishing and maintaining contacts through affiliation with the international organization TESOL, and through cooperation with other organizations which may share similar purposes, interests, and clientele.
Via e-mail: Executive Assistant admin@minnetesol.org
PO Box 141072
Minneapolis MN 55414