National Association of University English Teachers (ANUPI, A.C) - October 24-27, 2013 - Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico
Dear colleagues,
The National Association of University English Teachers (ANUPI, A.C), an Affiliate of TESOL and an Associate of IATEFL, invites you once again to participate at our 11th International Conference “Building bridges: Linking research and practice in ELT†(October 24-27, 2013) in Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Our three-day conference offers an exciting opportunity to learn from one another in the field of foreign/second language education. ANUPI is well-known for having created a forum for presenting research, establishing academic networks, and exchanging best practices in foreign language education. This forum allows language educators to share and exchange ideas across diverse language learning and teaching contexts. Our conference will also have an exhibitors’ area.
We’re looking forward to welcoming you in Huatulco
The ANUPI Organizing Committee