TESL Nova Scotia
TESL Nova Scotia is an association of people concerned with the teaching and learning of English as a Second Language (ESL) in Nova Scotia. Membership is open to everyone. Workshops and/or a spring mini-conference, a web-based newsletter, an annual conference, the TESL Canada Journal and membership in TESL Canada provide opportunities for professional development and the sharing of ideas and concerns.
TESL NS forms professional links with other regional associations and individuals involved or interested in ESL teaching, and with TESL Canada, the national organization which links the various provincial bodies.
TESL NS supports public policies and programmes promoting second language teaching and learning, alerts the provincial and federal governments to the needs of ESL students and teachers, and encourages the establishment of appropriate administrative structures to meet these needs.
It fosters scholarship, research and professional development among teachers, school administrators, and others involved in ESL in Nova Scotia.
Professional development meetings are held throughout the year. Speakers focus on aspects of language learning theory or teaching methodology, and members share ideas and experiences.
An annual conference enables TESL NS members to learn from and share information with distinguished local, national and international specialists in the field of English language teaching.
A regular web-based newsletter keeps members in touch with local activities and developments in ESL. The newsletter has been available on the TESL NS website since summer of 2001.
Contacting TESL Nova Scotia
Our mailing address is:
TESL Nova Scotia
P.O. Box 36068
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3S9
Our e-mail address is: information@teslns.ca
