TESL Ontario
TESL Ontario established in 1972, is a non-profit organization serving the needs of teachers of English as a Second Language and English Literacy Development. In its commitment to professional development and advocacy, TESL Ontario addresses the range of competencies, experiences, and issues which influence the success of immigrants, refugees, visa students, and others who are learning English.
Chair's Message
It is September again and the start of another academic year. I am always surprised at how quickly the warm, relaxing days of summer give way to the cool, hectic days of fall.
The TESL Ontario Board of Directors met twice over the summer in order to start work on a strategic plan which will set the course of the organization over the next three years. We have identified three broad strategic goals for the next three years:
to implement a better two-way system of communication between members and the provincial office;
2. to raise awareness of our profession amongst the general public;
3. to pursue new opportunities for professional development for our members.
Speaking of professional development, the conference brochure for this year's TESL Ontario Conference is now available on line. You can view it by clicking on http://www.teslontario.org/conference2010/TESLBrochure2010.pdf. I do hope that you will have the opportunity to attend the conference this year.
I wish you all the best in your teaching endeavours this fall.
Sheila Nicholas
TESL Ontario Board of Directors
Membership & Conference Assistance Program enquiries:
Allison Keown
Member Services Manager
