TESOL Greece
TESOL Greece is an independent, volunteer, non-profit professional association for teachers of English as a foreign language and other ELT professionals working in Greece. TESOL Greece is a TESOL Inc affiliate and an IATEFL associate.
TESOL Greece currently has about 600 members, including teachers, teacher trainers, university students and staff, directors of study, school owners, publishers, writers, editors, researchers and consultants. Anybody who is involved in English teaching in Greece can join TESOL Greece.
How does TESOL Greece operate?
TESOL Greece is administered by an elected Board of Directors. Any member of TESOL Greece can stand for election to the Board. Elections are held every year at the Annual General Assembly at TESOL Greece’s Annual Convention. All Board Members are unpaid volunteers. TESOL Greece has one paid employee: Antigoni Konstanti, TESOL Greece Executive Secretary.
What are TESOL Greece’s goals?
* to encourage cooperation amongst ELT professionals in both the private and public sectors
* to provide a forum for members to share and exchange ideas and to socialize with colleagues from Greece and abroad
* to organize conventions and events with presentations, talks and workshops by our members and professionals of national and international repute
* to produce a high quality newsletter to announce upcoming events and to inform members of issues relevant to the ELT field
* to inform aspiring as well as experienced teachers of opportunities for professional advancement and training
How, When and Why: A Brief History of the Founding of TESOL Greece
TESOL Greece, Executive Secretary: Antigone Konstanti
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Kapodistriou 17, 10677, Athens
Tel & Fax: 2107488411
