Teachers of English in Austria!
Teachers of English in Austria (TEA) is a non-profit organisation, run on a voluntary basis by professionals
from various areas of English Language Teaching, which was founded in 1992.
TEA has since then become a nationally and internationally acknowledged force in all matters concerning
EFL and is also an IATEFL Associate.
Currently TEA has approximately 600 members representing all levels and school types.
TEA publishes ELT NEWS, the EFL magazine, previously a joint publication with the British Council twice
a year (spring and autumn).
TEA provides a form for Special Interest Groups, at the moment these are kids and learners of Business
TEA organises workshops and events all over Austria and has also co-hosted international conferences
(NELLE, IATEFL BESIG, IATEFL TEA-SIG, DaF). Moreover, TEA has established working relationships with
Teachers' Associations all over Europe and will be involved in several 'across the border'
And every year there is the summer school with renowned trainers from English-speaking countries.
Information on all this as well as forthcoming events in Austria and abroad, downloadable worksheets
and stop press information can be found on this website.
Please note: As TEA is a voluntary organization - set up by teachers, for teachers - we aren't in a
position to promote individual's materials/publications, assist teachers find jobs, nor help schools find
teachers. We are happy to receive information about upcoming teacher events though, which can
then be put on our website.
For teachers from abroad seeking work, we would recommend you contact the individual language
schools in Austria for information about the employment status they would offer you. In private language
schools most teachers work on a freelance basis which makes it extremely difficult for non-E.U. citizens
to get the work/residents' permit in order to be able to teach here. If you are a non-E.U. citizen we
suggest you contact your embassy to see what the specific requirements are for you to work in Austria.
Teachers of English in Austria!
Getreidemarkt 17/5
A-1060 Vienna
Email: office@tea4teachers.org
Tel: (0043) 0680 21 85 042
