VATESOL - October 3, 2009 - Virginia Beach, VA
A Sample of the Fall Conference Presentations:
* Connecting and Empowering ELLs
* Teaching Reading to Students Who Don’t Enjoy Reading
* Typology of Mainstream Teacher Attitudes toward LEP Students: 53 Classroom Teachers Observed and Interviewed
* Art Inspirations: Reaching ELL Students through Art
* African Refugees and Resettlement: Preparing Students, Preparing Teachers
* Building Learning Communities in the Academic ESL Classroom
* Improving Scaffolding Techniques and Increasing Student Interaction
* WIDA Standards
* Remember Your Roots! Growing Oral Assessment Ideas from Your Own Foreign Language Student Experience
* Creative Engagement Activities for Beginning ESOL Adult Learners
* Rich Internet Applications for Language Learning (RIA)
* Teaching Second Language Learners as a Second Career
* An Effective Team Approach to the Reading VGLA
* Let’s Talk About Success! Integrating college success skills into community college oral communications classes
* Newcomer Program - Secondary
* The Smallest Light: Reading to Learn & EFL as a concept in Macedonian Universities
* We aren’t in Kansas Anymore, Toto! PreK-12 Culture Shock
* Learning from Experience: Evaluating a Recently Implemented ESL Field Experience for Pre-Service Teachers
* "YouTube 101" - for language learning
* ESL Newcomers
* Welcoming Newcomers to Your Classroom and Community
* Using Music to Build the Class Community

Theme: ESL Newcomers: Teachers and Students

Location: Tidewater Community College’s (TCC) Virginia Beach Campus
1700 College Crescent Virginia Beach, VA 23453-1918

Directions to TCC-VB

Map of TCC-VB Campus

Check-in and On-site Registration: Advanced Technology Center (ATC)

Conference Sessions: Virginia Beach Building (adjacent to the ATC)


Judie Haynes, a veteran ESL teacher and author of several books on ESL newcomers and the Everything ESL web site. Judie will be speaking about strategies for mainstream teachers of ESL students. Judie will also be offering a session on newcomers during the conference. Additionally, Ms. Hayes will be signing and selling her award winning book Getting Started with English Language Learners: How Educators Can Meet the Challenge. Read more about Judie Haynes:

Online membership and conference registration will begin in mid-July at We strongly encourage you to pay online but checks will also be accepted. Please check the web site for registration deadlines. On-site online registration will be available. (Register here.)

President: Tanya Gray
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